Course Testimionals


I was blown away how easy it was to use Charlie’s methods. As a reiki practitioner, I always had trouble with all the “rules.” Charlie’s approach is liberating, powerful and beautiful." 


"Charlie’s intensive was uplifting, insightful and like a burst of sunshine." 


"It is so fantastic Charlie is so humble to share his healing and how he does this. I did the Reiki many moons ago and paid healers to heal and no one ever explained how they did it. They never shared, charged hundreds of dollars and all I have wanted was to learn to do this myself to help others - especially my family. Wonderful course! Amazing to witness the healings to those people." 


"Charlie is articulate, informative, patient, kind and funny which is very uplifting. He generously shares what he has discovered over the years and does so in an easy to understand and easy to follow format. He is humble, honest and giving, and I learnt and experienced a great deal from his Intensive Course." 


"I witnessed something pure and beautiful in Charlie’s giving heart that wants to share its gift and help others. Helping me help myself is the greatest gift so thank you for this amazingly unique and profound opportunity. The Energy Intensive gave me greater connection with and access to my own energy force and I found it to be a source of pure calm and peace" 


"This was a “next level” teaching that perfectly filled my mind, and heart with wisdom and grace. I am very inspired to continue this journey". 


"I learned so many new techniques that I can bring into my own practice, and just watching how Charlie is with each and every recipient makes me want to be a better conduit for healing myself. I will take this beautiful experience into my heart and into practice, and I look forward to many more like this in the future! " 


"With this intensive you will have live insight into the potential of the invisible energy we have in and around us. Don’t worry, there is no crystals and no sage. The results of the many live healings left me in disbelief, and I found myself clapping at the Zoom screen with tears in my eyes. There was nothing subtle about it and I suspect life-changing for those chosen. Witnessing people change right before your eyes, really opens you up to the potential of both this energy, as well as the human body’s ability to heal" 


"I loved this class! Charlie shared so much about what he sees and feels. It helped me feel more confident about trying healing on my own. He is such a genuine & generous person. I feel very lucky to have taken this course" 


"It was a wonderful experience, I really enjoyed learning Charlie's technique for healing and being able to try it for myself. I could very definitely feel the energy running through me. It was a very unique feeling and I look forward to testing any abilities I may have... It was emotional as well, to see and experience the healings of the others." 


"I am a medium/empath I believe in energy and been drawn to Charlie (his integrity and heart) and wanted to learn more. the intensive was Amazing" 


"Charlie's Intensive program is a gift that continues giving. I am so grateful. His generous sharing of his process and guidance on what works for him, illuminated areas in my own work which i know will enhance my own healing abilities" 


"The best thing about Charlie’s method is that it is not a method. In his intensives, he guides you through his own practice of channeling energy and allows you to find your own unique path. I was able to intensify the energy within me thanks to his non-confining guided energy movement exercises. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone looking to learn a very honest and non-dogmatic approach to energy and energy healing." 


"What an incredibly enlightening 3 days... I truly feel as though I have had an awakening experience and a new zest and energy for life. From a 'healers' perspective - not sure I have the right to call myself that - but I am a reflexologist by trade. I have been for the last 12 years in a different field that was financially rewarding - but not always emotionally. This has re awakened that passion for wanting to make a difference."