Learn how Charlie uses Energy Healing to change lives in minutes, and discover if you can too.

Over 100 hours of recordings for you to work through at your own pace.

Receive unlimited access to Charlie Goldsmith's Previous Live Online Energy Teaching Events -with new content being added frequently.

Energy Aerobics Classes

In each of these different edited one-hour sessions, Charlie will guide you through the Energy Movement exercises he uses to heal and self-heal. In each session, Charlie will introduce new insights and methods, which you can practice to expand your individual practice. There is no physical aerobics included. - only energy movement.

Energy Intensive Classes

Each of the Energy Intensives Is held over a 3-day period, and provides live demonstrations and follow-ups with volunteers in the sessions. Charlie shares the methods he uses, answers frequently asked questions, and leads energy movement practice sessions in these.

My Hour(ish), Previous In-Person Events, Healing Follow-ups, Meditations & more

Access all of Charlie's previous Live events - provided in this easy to use platform for you to work through at your own pace.

We have also included The Super Group recordings.


Unlimited access to recordings teaching how Charlie heals and self-heals including:

    • 16 x Energy Aerobics Classes 
    • 4 x Energy Intensive Classes 
    • 10 x Meditations (moving Energy)
    • 3 x Energy Movement Classes
    • 2 x In-Person Events
    • 6 x My Hour(ish) Classes
    • Healing follow-up sessions
    • 1 x Super Group Group Healing
    • New classes added 6 weeks after the live events
      ** Scroll down to request a discount. 
"With this intensive you will have live insight into the potential of the invisible energy we have in and around us. Don’t worry, there is no crystals and no sage. The results of the many live healings left me in disbelief, and I found myself clapping at the Zoom screen with tears in my eyes. There was nothing subtle about it and I suspect life-changing for those chosen. Witnessing people change right before your eyes, really opens you up to the potential of both this energy, as well as the human body’s ability to heal" 

MATHEW (Live Intensive Participant)


Discount requests for Charlie’s Energy Teachings

Charlie has created his Energy Teachings for anyone interested in developing their own healing skills.

Charlie doesn't want anyone to miss out because it's unaffordable to them.

We welcome you to apply for a discount if it is needed.